January 06, 2012

"Hairspray was one of the top three shows I've seen anywhere in the world."

Here is a testimonial that we received from a patron who attended a Rainbow Stage production this summer:

Dear Rainbow Stage,
I’d like to share my thoughts on Hairspray with you, and hope you can take the time to read this email.

I’ve lived in London, New York and (briefly) Toronto, and therefore seen a lot of high quality theatre in the last 20 years.  It’s often with a little trepidation that I go to regional theatre, and sometimes with lower expectations than are fair.

However, Hairspray was one of the top three shows I’ve seen anywhere in the world.  The cast was fantastic, the production was great, and it was a perfect experience all around.  It’s great to see you bringing world-class theatre to Winnipeg. 

Thank you.
P. Giles

Do you have a Rainbow Stage experience that you'd like to share with us?  Send us an email: turish@rainbowstage.ca